McKeesport/Sinns to Connellsville

At B&O Junction at Sinns (MP 311.7), the connection to the original route of the B&O heads east across the river on a deck girder bridge to pick up its original route, turning south-southeast, double track, along the east bank of the river, with speed limit 45-40, past a grade crossing, east-northeast past the crossovers at MK Tower (Versailles, MP 310.4), where the east-facing signals are of the B&O type in 2007, and a road bridge overhead (and across the river), east past Ellrod (MP 309.8), where the speed limit rises to 60-45, and there are woods on the side away from the river, south past Emblem, where the speed limit falls to 50-45 (MP 307.3 to MP 307.0) and then rises to 55-45, southwest, past a grade crossing and Intermediate Signals at MP 305.4, where the speed limit again falls to 50-45, southeast, northeast, southeast past Intermediate Signals at Robbins, a rock wall on the side away from the river, a grade crossing, and rock wall again, west past Guffey,  the speed limit falls to 40-35 at the Intermediate Signals at Scheneer  (MP 303.8), rises to 40 mph at MP 303.2, where there are woods on the side away from the river, and south past east-facing signals at Shafer, Intermediate Signals at Vista (MP 302.2), a rock wall and then woods again, a grade crossing, the speed limit rises to 55-45 (MP 301.8) before falling to 45 mph from  Intermediate Signals at MP 300.7 to 300.3, a 10 ft. high rock wall, and a crossover at Scott Haven (MP 299.9), where the speed limit is again 55-45.

There are  three grade crossings in town as the line turns east, past  Intermediate Signals at Gatztown, a grade crossing in the woods, the speed limit falls to 45 mph at MP 296.4, where there are east-facing signals on the north side, south past a grade crossing, an acute angle grade crossing, and two more grade crossings in town, West Newton (MP 295.0), where the speed limit is 30 mph from MP 295.2 to 294.6, an old wooden depot on the north side, and another grade crossing in town, Intermediate Signals at Ogden, west and then south-southeast, with a steep hillside and then rock wall to the east, speed limit 55-45 from MP 294.6 to 293.5 and then 45-40 to MP 291.1, again with rock wall to the east, past a dirt track grade crossing, crossovers at Reduction (MP 292.8), 50-45 to MP 289.5, Intermediate Signals at Fitz Henry, a grade crossing, detectors at MP 290.8, a grade crossing, 45-40 from MP 289.5 to MP 288.8, and Intermediate Signals at Smithton (MP 288.7), two grade crossings in town, south, where the speed limit is 60-45 to MP 286.0, past a dirt track grade crossing in the woods, Eureka, a grade crossing in town, and Intermediate Signals at Jacob's Creek, south-southwest, with speed limit 55-45 from MP 286.0 to 285.0 and 50-45 from MP 285.0  to 282.4, past a bridge over a side river, under the bridge with concrete piers carrying the former Pittsburgh & West Virginia to Banning, south-southeast, and east-southeast past Intermediate Signals at Brook, a speed 45-40 sign, and NS Tower, where the speed limit is 35-30, then 40-35 from MP 282.0 to 276.2.

The line turns south at  Intermediate Signals at Layton, southeast past a grade crossing and Intermediate Signals, northeast past Intermediate Signals, southeast past a crossover at Lavenia (MP 279.8), woods on the side away from the river, Intermediate Signals and Intermediate Signals at Dawson, where there is a grade crossing, northeast with speed limit 30 mph from MP 276.2 to 275.7, past two grade crossings in town, and then 60-45 past detectors at MP 275.3, a wooded area away from the river, and a grade crossing, to MP 272.8, east past Intermediate Signals (east-facing on the north side, at all IS on the side away from the river), and then south at the crossovers at Broad Ford (MP 272.7) where the speed limit is 45 mph and the branch from the Volkswagen Plant at  Mount Pleasant trails in from the north, past West Yough Transfer (MP 271.5), where the former Pittsburgh & West Virginia trails in from the northeast, a fall in the speed limit to 45-40 at MP 271.2 and to 35-25 at MP 270.5, a crossover, a road bridge overhead, and Sodem (MP 270.3), to Connellsville (MP 269.7), where the speed limit is 55-45 to the south, a former PRR branch trails in from the northeast, there is a passenger station (a shelter on the east side, in 2007), a street alongside to the east, a road bridge overhead, a grade crossing, extra track on the east side at a gravel plant, a wooded hillside to the east, a footbridge overhead, and a former large yard on the west side of the line. At Greene Junction (MP 268.6), there are signals and crossovers, a siding on the west side of the line starts, and the line to Morgantown, WV, heads away to the southwest.