Sterling to Warwick

From Sterling (MP 155.5), where was once a flat crossing with the Erie, there is a double-track junction (10 mph on the turnouts) with the CL&W subdivision heading north-northwest, a 6,959 ft. north side siding and a 7,089 ft. south side siding, the double track, Rule D-251, ex-B&O, with overall freight speed limit 60 mph, turns east, with the former Erie right-of-way on the north side, past Rittman (MP 152.0), where the former Erie r-o-w turns away, and then the former B&O turns southeast onto a revised alignment, past detectors at Easton (MP 148.0), turns east past MP 145.0 to MP 144.8, where the speed limit is 40 mph on the south track, and turns southeast again where the original alignment returns from the northwest, to Warwick (MP 143.8), where an erstwhile PRR line once trailed in from the west, the double track CL&W subdivision heads away south (30 mph on the interlocking switches), and there is an 8,299 ft. siding and a 7,244 ft. south side siding, and the line turns north-northeast onto a segment that was once joint with that erstwhile PRR line.