Gordonsville to Orange

At Gordonsville (MP 9.0), where there is an old tower in the vee of the north apex of the wye, the original C&O main to Richmond and Newport News turns south and the line towards Washington DC turns north-northeast, past a grade crossing, the signals at North Gordonsville, a grade crossing, a bridge over drainage, an embankment, signals (CP "Anne") at Madison Run, where it turns north, two dirt road grade crossings, a dirt track grade crossing, Intermediate Signals at Doubleday (MP 5.2?), a grade crossing, a bridge over drainage, a grade crossing, MP 4, two dirt track grade crossings, a gated dirt track grade crossing, an embankment, and then north-northeast again, past a grade crossing, Intermediate Signals (MP 2.8), a wooded area, two grade crossings,  a 3,925 ft. siding at South Orange (MP 0.4), where the speed limit falls to 25 mph, a bridge over a stream, and the junction with the former Southern main line, trailing in from the west-southwest at Orange (MP 0.0). From here, the C&O had trackage rights over the Southern into Washington DC, over a route now shared by Amtrak's Southern Crescent and Cardinal.