Comus to Invergrove

From the 4,363 ft. siding at Comus (MP 306.5), where a Milwaukee Road line trails in on the west side, the combined line turns north-northeast, single track, maximum speed 40 mph, past the 2,974 ft. siding and 1,000 ft. spur at Dundas (MP 310.3), where the former CGW comes alongside to the east, and the 4,701 ft. siding and 6,700 ft. spur at Northfield (MP 313.4), where the line turns north, another line heads away on the west side, and a Milwaukee line heads north-northeast, with the north line passing the 2,618 ft. siding and 2,100 ft. spur at Castle Rock (MP 319.5), a Milwaukee line trailing in on the west side, and the 4,282 ft. siding and 7,200 ft. spur at Farmington (MP 326.3).

The line turns just east of due north, past the 3,263 ft. siding and 3,150 ft. spur at Rosemount (MP 333.5), where a former CGW line once headed east, the Milwaukee Road continues just east of due north and the Rock Island turns east-northeast, with Rock Island control resuming, Automatic Block System, Rules 400 to 406, turning north, northeast, past a bridge carrying the C&NW overhead, north-northeast, along the west bank of the Mississippi River, and just west of due north, to the yard (20 mph speed restriction) at Inver Grove (MP 344.4), where a connector heads east, across the river, and the main line continues along the west bank.