Pocatello to McCammon

From the crossovers at Pocatello (MP 214.2), where the speed limit is 20 mph, the 3MT, CTC line continues southeast, with the yard on the northeast side, past crossovers at CP P213 (MP 213.3), where the speed limit rises to 70 mph, crossovers at CP P212 (MP 213.1), south end of the yard on the northeast side of the line, crossovers at East Pocatello (MP 210.9), where the Three Main Tracks become Two Main Tracks, CTC, and Portneuf, where it turns east, past CP G204 (MP 203.6) and Inkom (MP 201.7), where the speed limit is 50 mph.

The line turns south, past CP G198 (MP 198.4), where the speed limit is 55 mph, detectors at MP 197.4, Onyx, crossovers at CP G192 (MP 191.6), and McCammon (MP 191.4-MP 189.7), where the speed limit is 50 mph, the Ogden subdivision diverges to the south (on the west side of the line to Granger), and a connector facing south on both lines joins them at the south end of the junction.