Ashland to Omaha

At Ashland (MP 47.0 on this line), a line once trailed in from the northwest, and the main line splits three ways: north along the Platte River to Fremont, with a wye junction on the northwest side of the line, northeast  to Omaha (the passenger route), and southeast, along the Platte River, to Oreapolis and Pacific Junction (the main coal and freight route). The Omaha line head northeast as single-track, CTC, as the speed limit rises from 50-40 to 60-50, passes a dirt road grade crossing, a grade crossing, a bridge over a river, a grade crossing on the northeast side of the bridge, a bridge over the Platte River, a grade crossing, Intermediate Signals at MP 43.3, a dirt road grade crossing, the 5,475 ft siding on the southeast side, with a grade crossing and extra track on the southeast side within the siding, at Melia (MP 41.3), three dirt road grade crossings, a grade crossing, a road bridge overhead, Gretna (MP 37.7), a closed grade crossing, with the town of Gretna on the southeast side, a grade crossing, a road bridge overhead, a bridge over a dirt road, a road bridge overhead, Intermediate Signals, a grade crossing, a road bridge overhead, a bridge over a dirt road, a grade crossing, and the 5,300 ft. siding on the north side at Chalco (MP 31.4), where the line turns east as a branch trails in from the west.

There is a bridge over a dirt track, a road bridge overhead, Intermediate Signals, a bridge over a bike path (once a UP line) near Portal, two road bridges overhead, a grade crossing, and a road bridge overhead, and the line turns northeast again past a spur to industry on the southeast side, a grade crossing, Ralston (MP 24.4), where it turns east and the speed limit falls to 55-50,a bridge over a bike path, a bridge over a road, and a bridge over a stream or bike path, and the line turns southeast, past a bridge over a road, and then northeast, past a spur on the southeast side to the 7,323 ft. siding on the south side at South Omaha (MP 20.4), with three road bridges overhead and several yard tracks on the southeast side, within the siding, where the speed limit falls to 50-40, a dirt road grade crossing, a road bridge overhead, and a wye with a UP line headed south to Oreapolis, a through truss bridge over a connector from the UP line west to that UP line south, and then a bridge over a connector from the UP line east to that UP line south, and comes alongside the east side of that UP line east, which is heading north-northeast at this point.

The lines turn northeast together, past four freeway bridges overhead, three road bridges overhead, the CB&Q's 5,661 ft. Long Siding (MP 17.9), where the speed limit drops to 20 mph, and then east together, past a bridge over a street, a road bridge overhead, signals, bridge 1701H over a street, a UP signal tower across the line on the north side, a bridge over a street, extra erstwhile station tracks on the south side, MP 17, platform on the south side, a road bridge overhead, an old concrete roof over the platform, an old station building on the south side, an umbrella shed over the platform, extra track on the south side of the platform, facing east, and the current depot on the south side, further east, at the former-CB&Q passenger station at Omaha (MP 16.6), where the speed limit is 10 mph.