Pacific Junction to Albia/Maxon

Pacific Junction (MP 475.1) has a speed limit of 79-60 east across the erstwhile flat crossing of two ex-CB&Q lines, with still-extant connectors in all four quadrants. The main line continues due east, with yard tracks on the south side, and crossovers to Two Main Tracks, CTC, past signals at the east end of the yard tracks, and a road bridge overhead, and then turns northeast past a bridge over a stream, Intermediate Signals at Glenwood (MP 471.4), a bridge over a divided highway, extra track on the southeast side, and a road bridge overhead, east-southeast past a grade crossing, a bridge over a road, a bridge over a dirt road, a dirt road grade crossing, a dirt track grade crossing, a bridge over a road, crossovers at Balfour (MP 467.9), a signal bridge at a reduction to single track at MP 466.4 (35 mph on the line turning out to/from the north side), a dirt road grade crossing, a bridge over a road, a road bridge overhead, a dirt road grade crossing, Malvern, where a Wabash line once crossed at grade, a dirt track grade crossing, a bridge over a dirt road well below, a bridge over a small river, and a bridge over a dirt road.

The line turns east-northeast, past a spur on the south side, a road bridge overhead, the resumption of Two Main Tracks at MP 458.0 (35 mph on the line turning out), a dirt road grade crossing, Intermediate Signals at Hastings (MP 456.9), where branches once ran north and south, and the main line turns east, past a bridge over a stream, crossovers at MP 453.5, Intermediate Signals at Emerson (MP 451.6), a grade crossing, Intermediate Signals at MP 449.x, a dirt road grade crossing, a road bridge overhead, a dirt road grade crossing, a spur on the south side to grain elevators, two road bridges overhead, a bridge over a stream, a road bridge overhead, a bridge over a stream far below, a spindly road bridge overhead, a reduction to single track at McPherson (MP 447.5, 35 mph on the line turning out to/from the north side), a bridge over a stream, a road bridge overhead, a detector at MP 445.2, the line on an embankment, a bridge over a dirt road, a bridge over a river, a bridge over a road far below, and the resumption of Two Main Tracks at MP 443.4 (35 mph on the line turning out to/from the south side), shuttle-enabled rail-served grain elevators at Red Oak (MP 442.4), where a branch from Farragut trails in from the south, and the line turns east-northeast, past two bridges over roads and Intermediate Signals at about MP 441, and then east-southeast, past a bridge over a dirt road, a spindly road bridge overhead, Intermediate Signals, a spindly road bridge overhead, and a bridge over a dirt road well below.

The line in western Iowa is a mixture of single track, CTC-controlled, sections and double track sections, some CTC and others ABS, TWC (once Rule 251, current-of-traffic, but apparently no longer), reduces to single-track at MP 439.4, where the speed limit is 50 mph on both lines through the switch before resuming 79-60, and passes a bridge over a dirt road, a bridge over a stream well below, and a dirt road grade crossing, a spur on the south side, a bridge over a road below, and silos on the south side served by that spur at Stanton, a grade crossing, the sour on the south side trails in, and a bridge over a dirt road.

The line turns southeast, past a road bridge overhead, a spindly road bridge overhead, and a road bridge overhead to Clarinda Junction (MP 428.9), where a line north from Clarinda once trailed in, and Two Main Tracks resume (with speed limit 50 mph on both lines through the switch before resuming 79-60), a bridge over a road, two road bridges overhead, grain silos on the south side (no current track), and a rail-served facility on the south side at Villisca (MP 427.4), where the line turns east, past a grade crossing, a bridge over a river, and a grade crossing, and then east-northeast, past crossovers at MP 425.5, a road bridge overhead, a grade crossing, Nodaway (MP 422.7), where there are silos on the north side a reduction to single track at "Nodaway", MP 422.2 (with speed limit is 50 mph on both lines through the switch before resuming 79-60), a dirt road grade crossing at MP 421.6, a detector at MP 421.5, Intermediate Signals, a dirt track grade crossing, a bridge over a stream well below, a dirt road grade crossing, Intermediate Signals, a dirt road grade crossing, a road bridge overhead, dual-ended spurs, up to four tracks, to silos on the north side, Intermediate Signals at Corning (MP 413.7), where there is an old wooden depot on the north side, a grade crossing at MP 413.2, a dirt road grade crossing, grain silos on the south side (no track), a road bridge overhead, a bridge over a river, and a bridge over a culvert.

Two Main Tracks resume at MP 412.0 (with speed limit is 50 mph on both lines through the switch before resuming 79-60), where there are new signals turned sideways in April, 2012, past a dirt road grade crossing, crossovers at MP 408.9 as the line turns east, a dirt road grade crossing, a bridge over a river, and then northeast, past grain silos and track on the south side at Prescott (MP 406.7), a bridge over a river, a spindly road bridge overhead, a reduction to single track at MP 405.7 (with speed limit is 50 mph on both lines through the switch before resuming 79-60), and a bridge over a road.

The line turns east, past three spindly road bridges overhead, a dirt road grade crossing, a bridge over a stream far below, a spindly road bridge overhead, Cromwell, two bridges over roads, a bridge over a stream, a dirt track grade crossing, a road bridge overhead, embankment, cutting, embankment, a bridge over a stream far below, the resumption of Two Main Tracks at MP 395.2 (with speed limit is 50 mph on both lines through the switch before resuming 79-60), a bridge over a street, and the start of Yard Limits, Automatic Block Signals, Track Warrant Control at MP 393.75, with branches trailing in first from the north and then from the southwest, a bridge over a road, a signal bridge overhead, a spur on the south side, a grade crossing, and shuttle-enabled rail-served grain elevators on the south side on that spur, to the passenger station, with two-storey brick depot on the north side, at Creston (MP 392.9), where there are new signals turned sideways in April, 2012, followed by extra track on the south side, a grade crossing, a six track yard on the south side, and a rail-served facility on the north side, east of the depot.

Another branch departs to the north, there are siding tracks on both north and south sides used by trains changing crews, the divisional control changes at East Creston (MP 391.0), and the line passes the east end of the yard, a bridge over a road, and a bridge over a stream, turns southeast, past a dirt road grade crossing, a road bridge overhead, and a dirt track grade crossing, and then east again, and passes a bridge over a stream well below, a road bridge overhead, a spur and silos on the south side at  Union, more silos on the south side, with a spur serving them, a bridge over a dirt road, Intermediate Signals, a road bridge overhead, a bridge over ??, a bridge over a stream, Intermediate Signals, a dirt track grade crossing, Intermediate Signals, a road bridge overhead, a grade crossing, crossovers at Afton (MP 383.6), where there is a road alongside to the north, beyond the trees, replaced in February, 2012, by crossovers at CP 3818 (MP 381.8), Afton Junction, where a Chicago Great Western line once crossed at grade from south-southwest to north-northeast, a spindly road bridge overhead, a bridge over a stream, Intermediate Signals at MP 382.0, a dirt road grade crossing, two spindly road bridges overhead, a bridge over a stream far below, detectors at MP 378.2, Intermediate Signals at MP 377.2, a dirt track grade crossing, an angled road bridge overhead, a crossover at Thayer (MP 376.0), where there is extra track on the north side, a grade crossing just east of the crossover, the line turns just north of east, a bridge over a stream below, Intermediate Signals at MP 374.6, a grade crossing, a spindly road bridge overhead, a bridge over a stream below, MP 372, a dirt track grade crossing at a farm driveway, MP 371 three grade crossings in a town, a spur trailing on on the south side, and a crossover at Murray (MP 370.4), where the line is running east.

There are Intermediate Signals at MP 368.6 and MP 367.6, MP 366, a dirt road grade crossing, MP 365, a dirt road grade crossing, Intermediate Signals at MP 364.x, a grade crossing, a bridge over the two strands of I-35, a grade crossing, a street alongside to the north, a grade crossing, a dirt track grade crossing, two dirt road grade crossings, two dirt track grade crossings, two dirt road grade crossings, Intermediate Signals at MP 360.0, extra track to the north, a bridge over a street, a platform and shelter to the north, a grade crossing, a highway alongside to the south, a west-facing spur curving away to the north, and crossovers at Osceola (MP 359.2), where branches once trailed in from the southwest and departed to the north and the Two Main Tracks become (formerly current-of-traffic, now TWC) Double Track, a west-facing spur to silos on the north side, a bridge over a divided highway, two grade crossings, two bridges over streets, a grade crossing west of the  Osceola passenger station, formerly at a brick depot on the south side, but in April 2012 has become a short platform with a bus shelter on the north side, a crossover, a grade crossing, a dirt road grade crossing, Intermediate Signals at MP 358.8,  detectors at MP 357.8, a dirt road grade crossing, a crossover at MP 356.9 where the line turns southeast, a bridge over a dirt road, a road bridge overhead, two dirt road grade crossings, a dirt track grade crossing, a bridge over a dirt road, a bridge over a stream, and a bridge over a dirt road.

The Intermediate Signals on this line have identification plates that begin with a numeral that is not part of the mileage, followed by the mileage, and then another numeral (which is the same as the numeric indicator found on most Intermediate Signals). The line continues past Brush, where the tracks turns east and separate for awhile, with a brief (MP 354.8-351.5) 55-45 speed limit on the eastward tracks and a brief (MP 353.5-353.3) 70 mph speed limit on the westward track, a grade crossing on separated Track 2, a dirt track grade crossing, a bridge over a dirt road, a bridge over a stream, a gated dirt track grade crossing, a bridge over a culvert, a bridge over a dirt road a bridge over a stream below, two bridges over culverts, and a bridge over a stream. Track 1?

The tracks come back together again at MP 351, past a grade crossing in town, Intermediate Signals at Woodburn (MP 350.6), a west-facing spur on the north side, a bridge over a stream, a grade crossing, two bridges over streams, a dirt road grade crossing, Intermediate Signals at MP 348.0, a turn east-northeast, past a dirt track grade crossing, a dirt road grade crossing, Intermediate Signals at MP 346.x, and a bridge over drainage, and then just north of east,  past a dirt road grade crossing, MP 345, a bridge over a river, Intermediate Signals at MP 344.0, and a spindly road bridge overhead, a 70 mph speed limit between MP 343.8 and 343.6, a bridge over a stream, a road bridge overhead (US 34?), a bridge over a culvert, MP 343, a street to the north in Lucas, a grade crossing, a road alongside to the north, a bridge over a stream, two sets of crossovers at Shannon (MP 342.0), a dirt road grade crossing, and the lines separate again.

There is a pond between the lines, a 50-40 speed limit on the westward track (Track 1) between MP 340.0 and 338.8 (East Cleveland), and Track 2 (eastward) has an embankment, a bridge over a river, a wooded area, a bridge over a culvert, a cutting, and embankment, a cutting, an embankment, a cutting, and a road bridge overhead before the tracks come back together, Whitebreuse, where the line turns east, Indianola Junction, where a line once trailed on from the north and the line turns southeast,  two grade crossings, two extra tracks on the north side, a crossover, signals at MP 334.6, 70-30 on both tracks from MP 334.5 to 333.9, three grade crossings in town, the crossover at Chariton (MP 334.3), where there is a wye junction with a spur on the southwest side that was once a branch headed southwest, and there are grain silos on both the north and south sides, no longer rail connected, three or four tacks on the south side with maintenance equipment, a bridge over a street and a grade crossing, in town, and 70 mph from MP 333.9 to 333.0.

The line turns south, south-southeast on a bridge over a single-track, curving line once owned by the Rock Island, just east of Chariton, with intermediate Signals suggesting this is bidirectional track, even of it is TWC, east-northeast past a grade crossing, a bridge over drainage (MP 331.51), a dirt road grade crossing, a dirt track grade crossing, a dirt road grade crossing, a grade crossing, Intermediate Signals at MP 329.4, three dirt road grade crossings, a detector at MP 328.0, a west-facing spur on the north side, a grade crossing in town, Intermediate Signals at MP 327.6, and Russell (MP 326.8), and curvily east past a dirt road grade crossing, Zero, with 70 mph from MP 324.6 to 324.2, 55-50 for curves from MP 323.3-321.5, a dirt track grade crossing, Intermediate Signals at MP 322.6, a bridge over a stream, and a dirt road grade crossing in the middle of an s-curve, and 65-50 from MP 321.5-315.0, past a dirt road grade crossing, a bridge over a culvert, Intermediate Signals at MP 320.6/.8, a bridge over a stream (MP 319.01), and a dirt road grade crossing.

There is a west-facing spur on the north side, a crossover at Melrose (MP 318.6), a grade crossing in town, a curve southeast, a dirt track grade crossing, a bridge over a stream, a curve northeast, Intermediate Signals at MP 316.x, a bridge over a stream, a dirt road grade crossing, a bridge over drainage, a curve east again, a dirt track grade crossing, a grade crossing, Tyrone, Intermediate Signals at MP 312.8/9, a bridge over a stream, a curve northeast, a dirt track grade crossing, and the two sets of crossovers at Halpin (MP 309.7), where there are new signals turned sideways in April, 2012, activated on July 12, 2012,  Two Main Tracks and CTC resume, and the tracks separate as far as Maxon.

The line curves south-southeast or southeast, past Intermediate Signals at MP 308.x, and then north-northeast or northeast, with 70-40 on Main 1 from MP 306.9-304.4, 40-25 with the head end of the train between MP 304.4 and 303.6 on Main 1, past a bridge over drainage, a road bridge overhead, Intermediate Signals (MP 305.80, a through girder bridge over a stream, a bridge (MP 303.73) over a stream and a dirt road, a dirt track grade crossing, an embankment, a grade crossing, Albia (MP 303.7), where there are new signals turned sideways in April, 2012, activated on July 12, 2012, at the more northerly of which (Main 1) a CB&Q line trails in from the north (and a Wabash line once did so), and a former Wabash line curves away to the south, and two yard tracks on the south side. The speed limit is 70-50 from MP 303.6 to MP 301.9 on Main 1, past two bridges over roads, a grade crossing, extra track on the north side, trailing in, a dirt track grade crossing, and two dirt road grade crossings.

There is a speed limit of 50-40 from MP 308.3 to 302.2 on Main 2, which has its own Albia (MP 303.7), with the former Wabash line bridging over the more southerly line (Main 2). and a speed limit 40-35 from MP 302.2 to 301.9 on Main 2.

There are two sets of crossovers at Maxon (MP 301.9), where there are new signals turned sideways in April, 2012, activated on July 12, 2012, as the lines come back together again and a former Minneapolis & St,. Louis line leaves to the northeast.