Granger to Borie/Speer

From the wye junction and crossovers at Granger (MP 846.5), where the former Oregon Short Line trails in from the northwest and there is a 13,456 ft. siding on the north side of the line to the crossovers at East Granger (MP 844.0), the Two Main Tracks, CTC, 70 mph line  heads northeast as far as East Granger and then east, past detectors at MP 843.9, extra track and a spur trailing in from a soda ash mine to the north, at Texas Gulf Soda (MP 842.5), West Westvaco (MP 839.1), an FMC plant on the south side of the line, Westvaco (MP 838.0), a curve south-southeast and then east again, Alchem (MP 834.9), where a spur heads south to a General Chemicals Plant, detectors at MP 834.5, a spur trailing in from the north, from the OCI Wyoming Soda Ash Plant on the Green River, at Stauffer (MP 834.1), where the speed limit is 60 mph, a turn southeast, crossovers at CP G833 (MP 833.3), where the speed limit is 70 mph, and extra track a spur trailing in from the west (from the Solvay Minerals Green River Plant) at Solvay (MP 830.7), and a spur at Bryan (MP 830.0).

The line turns east, past a jog southeast and then east again, crossovers at Peru (MP 824.9), where the speed limit is 60 mph, the location of a former detector at MP 822.3, where the line turns southeast and then east again, detectors at CP G819 (MP 819.3), where the speed limit is 50 mph and the line turns south into the Green River valley, crossovers at West Green River (MP 817.3), where the speed limit is 30 mph and Four Main Tracks, CTC, begin, as the line turns east across the Green River, then south and east again past the roundhouse and locomotive facilities and the yard on the south side of the line,  the brick depot on the north side, across from the west end of the yard, and the crossovers at Green River (MP 815.1), where the 4MT revert to 2MT, CTC and the line turns northeast, and crossovers at East Green River (MP 814.7), where the speed limit rises to 60 mph before the line turns east again.

There is a curve to the northeast, and then to the east-northeast before the crossovers at Kanda (MP 809.0), detectors at MP 808.2, with the line curving gently east past crossovers at CP G804 (MP 804.0), where a spur from the Solutia Coal Calcining Facility trails in from the south, turning northeast past crossovers and a 14,212 ft. siding on the north side of the line at Rock Springs (MP 802.5, where the speed limit is 40 mph, to MP 801.0, where it is 50 mph), where a line to the Stansbury Mine (and formerly to the US Steel Atlantic City Ore Mine) heads away north, the 2MT, CTC, become Double Track, ABS, and the line turns curvily east.

A spur once trailed in on the south side, there is a spur from Track 2 (southeast to SF Phosphates) and  additional track at at Chevron Industrial Lead (MP 798.7), and the line turns just north of east past Gunn Junction, where a branch from Gunn once trailed in on the north side, Baxter (MP 796.1), where the speed limit is 70 mph, detectors at MP 792.3, and Salt Wells, and then east, past an eastward hold signal on Track 2 at MP 785.9, east-northeast past crossovers and a spur at Thayer (MP 783.2), where a line once trailed in from Superior to the north and the tracks separate, and a westward hold signal at MP 781.2, where the tracks come back together again and turn east

The line turns southeast past crossovers and a spur (from a wye on the east side to the Jim Bridger Power Plant and the Prospect Point Coal Spur) at Point of Rocks (MP 777.4), south past a detector on track 1 at MP 773.8, southeast past a spur on Track 2 at Hallville (MP 771.2), south past West Black Buttes (MP 768.0), where a 9,225 ft. siding on the north (i.e. east) side begins and a detector on track 2 at MP 767.7, southeast at the crossovers at Black Buttes (MP 766.7), where that siding ends and a 7,484 ft. siding on the north side begins, past crossovers at East Black Buttes (MP 766.0), northeast past a westward hold signal at MP 762.0, where the speed limit is 60 mph, and east-northeast past a 10,483 ft. siding on the south side and a 10,412 ft. siding on the north side between West Bitter Creek (MP 758.5), where the speed limit is 70 mph again and crossovers at East Bitter Creek (MP 756.4).

The tracks separate, across the Great Divide Basin, past a detector on track 1 at MP 754.7, a spur on Track 1 at Patrick Draw (MP 753.6), a spur on Track 2 at Monell (MP 750.7), a spur on Track 1 at CIG Spur (MP 748.7), a detector on Track 2 at MP 748.5, a 10,131 ft. siding on the south side from Table Rock (MP 746.5 on Track 2) and East Table Rock (MP 744.4), and a spur on Track 1 at Robinson (MP 744.1), where the line turns curvily east, and come back together again at an eastward hold signal at MP 741.2, where the speed limit is 60 mph, passing crossovers at Tipton (MP 740.0), where the speed limit is 70 mph again, a westward hold signal at MP 739.9, a detector on Track 1 at MP 733.4, crossovers at Red Desert (MP 732.7), a detector on Track 2 at MP 731.5, and a 10,867 ft. siding on the south side and a 10, 841 ft. siding on the north side beginning at West Wamsutter (MP 726.0), where the line turns northeast, past an eastward hold signal at MP 724.4, and ending at the crossovers at  East Wamsutter (MP 723.8).

The line turns east again, past a detector on Track 1 at MP 721.7, a detector on Track 1 at MP 719.5, Lathan, where it turns southeast and then east-northeast, a detector on Track 1 at MP 713.4, a 10.086 ft. center siding beginning at Creston (MP 712.0), and the line turns east where the original routing (1868-1900) continued northeast, with today's line passing, a detector on Track 2 at MP 710.6, with the center siding ending at the crossovers at May (MP 709.9), where 2MT, CTC, replace the DT, ABS, Cherokee, a 12,575 ft. siding on the north side at Riner (MP 702.1-MP 699.6), with crossovers at one end of the siding, detectors at MP 692.3, a spur at Hadsell (MP 690.2), where the original route trails in on the north side and the line turns just south of due east, past Solon and Ferris, where the original route diverges on the north side again, and then east-northeast past crossovers at CP W685 (MP 685.0), where a 19,201 ft. siding on the south side begins, the onset of a speed limit of 20 mph, a turn east-southeast, crossovers at Rawlins (MP 682.8), where an 11,990 ft. siding on the north side begins, CP W 681 (MP 681.2), where the speed limit is 50 mph and the 19,201 ft. siding ends, crossovers at CP W680 (MP 680.3), where the speed limit is 70 mph, the 11,990 ft. siding ends and a 10,682 ft. siding on the north side begins, a turn to the east, and crossovers at New Runner (MP 678.0), where that siding ends.

There is a spur on Track 2 at Sinclair (MP 675.8), serving the Sinclair Refinery, detectors at MP 672.9, crossovers at Benton (MP 672.1), a bridge over the North Platte River at Fort Steele, where a newer track alignment has replaced a former, curvier, alignment, turning curvily southeast and then east again to the crossovers at Walcott (MP 662.3), where that former alignment ends,  there is a junction with the Wyoming & Colorado line south to Saratoga, the line turns northeast, and the speed limit is 60 mph.

The line turns north and then northeast again, past a spur at Edson (MP 656.6), where the speed limit is 70 mph, and then east, past Dana, detectors at MP 650.2, crossovers at Durrant (MP 650.1), where a line once trailed in from Arch Coal Company's Seminoe #1 Mine, to the west-northwest, an old alignment (1868-1900) once headed southeast, the speed limit is 60 mph, and the line turns southeast and then east again, past Percy, where it turns northeast, then east-northeast, and east again at the  crossovers at Hanna (MP 643.0), where the speed limit is 70 mph again, a line from Arch Cola Company's Medicine Bow Mine trails in from the west, a 19,197 ft. siding starts on the south side and a 19,125 ft. siding starts on the north side.

At CP W641 (MP 641.0), a line trails in from the west-northwest, from Arch Coal's Seminoe #2 Mine, the Cyprus/Amax Shoshone Mine, and the Rosebud Coal Rosebud Mine, and the line turns east-northeast to the crossovers at Ramsey (MP 639.0), where there is a spur and both sidings end, and then east again, past crossovers at Como (MP 632.6), detectors at MP 632.5, Allen Junction, where the former alignment trails back in from the southwest, crossovers and a spur at Medicine Bow (MP 624.5), crossovers at CP W623 (MP 622.8), where the original alignment (1868-1900) continued east and today's line turns southeast, detectors at MP 620.8, crossovers at Ridge (MP 616.8), a turn south near MP 610, detectors at MP 609.3, crossovers at Wilcox (MP 609.0), and Rock River (MP 605.2).

The line turns east, with some curves, past crossovers at CP W601 (MP 601.0), southeast past Harper, a subsequent location where the former alignment trails back in from the north, detectors at MP 595.8, and crossovers at Lookout (MP 594.1), and turns south-southeast, past a stretch where the former alignment was a little further west, a spur at Cooper Lake (MP 590.6), CP W585 (MP 584.9), a subsequent location where the original alignment (1868-1899) turned south-southwest, crossovers at Bosler (MP 582.3), where the line turns just east of due south, Wyoming, detectors at MP 576.0, crossovers at CP W570 (Howell, MP 570.5), where the line turns south, the original alignment trails in from the northwest, and Main Track 3 starts (with speed limit 40 mph), crossovers at CP W 567 (MP 567.6), and the crossovers and junction with a spur of the former Wyoming & Colorado line west, that today serves Laramie Cold Storage, at Laramie (MP 565.4), where there is a yard on the west side of the line and the old passenger depot on the east side of the line.

South from Laramie, Track 3 follows the original alignment, while Tracks 1 & 2 follow a new alignment, opened in 1901, to the east of the original alignment. Tracks 1 & 2 (2MT, CTC) head south-southeast, with speed limit 40 mph, past Forelle (MP 561.7) on Track 2, and detectors at MP 561.5, and then turn south and further on southeast past Colores (MP 553.8), where there is a spur on track 1, south again, southeast again, and south again past Heard, then south-southwest to the crossovers at CP W 549 (MP 548.6), where Track 3 rejoins from the north-northwest.

Track 3 (single track, CTC) heads due south from Laramie, with speed limit 60 mph, past a former line southwest to Soda Lakes, CP W564 (MP 565.3), near where the lines separate, a former wye on the west side at Mountain Cement with an erstwhile line southwest to a quarry, Sanders, a detector at MP 557.7, a 6,154 ft. siding at Red Buttes (MP 557.4-MP 556.1), where the line turns just east of south, and Harney, where it turns south-southeast to the crossovers at CP W 549 (Hermosa Junction, MP 548.6), where the speed limit drops to 40 mph and it rejoins Tracks 1 & 2 as the original alignment (1868-1901) continues on the east side and then turns away to the northeast to pass the original Sherman and the Ames Monument. The 2MT, CTC, continue south-southeast, with speed limit 40 mph, past the crossovers at Hermosa (MP 547.3), turn just north of east past the parallel 1,848 ft. Hermosa Tunnels (MP 546.7), and then turn east to the crossovers at Dale Junction (MP 545.5), where a new segment of Track 3 again diverges on the south side.

Tracks 1 & 2 continue east across Sherman Hill past crossovers at Dale (MP 543.0), where the speed limit is 45 mph, Dale Creek, where the line turns northeast and then east again, a spur (wye on the south side for turning helpers) at the new (1901) summit at Sherman (MP 540.4), where the speed limit is 40 mph and the now-descending line turns northeast, north-northwest, northeast, east past detectors at MP 538.5, and a 6,048 ft. center siding at Buford (MP 537.2-MP 536.0), where the speed limit is 55 mph, at the east end of which the original alignment trails back in from the west-northwest. The line heads curvily east-southeast, past ozone, and then curvily east past crossovers and a 4,424 ft. siding on the north side at Granite (MP 529.6-MP 528.5), detectors at MP 527.6, and Sabula/CP W523 (MP 525.1), where the speed limit is 45 mph, southeast and then east again past Otto to the crossovers at Borie (MP 519.1), where the speed limit is 55 mph and the connector (actually, the beginning of the Greeley subdivision) to West Speer diverges on the south side.

Track 3  (the Harriman Line, opened in 1953), single track, CTC, diverges on the south side at Dale Junction (MP 555.1), and takes a lower grade route down Sherman Hill, usually used by westbound trains, turning curvily southeast, past a 6,476 ft. siding at Perkins (MP 550.2-MP 548.8), where the speed limit has risen to 50 mph, east and then southeast again past a detector at MP 543.6, and a 7,096 ft. siding at Harriman (MP 543.4-MP 541.9), and then turns northeast, east, north, east to a 6,703 ft. siding at Lynch (MP 534.9-MP 533.5), within which it turns north-northeast, and then turns east, northeast, south, around a counter-clockwise horseshoe back to the north to a 6,523 ft. siding at EmKay (MP 526.5-MP 525.0), within which it turns east-northeast, and then turns east-southeast to West Speer (MP 519.7), where the connector from Borie trails in from the northwest and Track 4 begins (i.e., now 2MT, CTC, on this alignment), southeast and then east to the 6,756 ft. center siding at the junction at Speer (MP 518.3), the west apex of a large wye.