OT Junction to Hinkle

From the crossovers at OT Junction (MP 94.9), where there is a connector on the south side of the line up to the Oregon Trunk line that has turned east along a ledge on the cliff face just above the former Oregon, Washington Railway & Navigation line now owned and operated by Union Pacific, before turning away to the south while the double track, ABS, 70 mph UP line continues east, now out of the grandest portion of the gorge, along the dead water of the 'lakes' behind the power-generating dams, southeast and then northeast, past Miller (MP 100.4), Sherman, Biggs (MP 103.2), where a branch to Shaniko once headed southeast, the speed limit is 60 mph and the line becomes single track, CTC, and the line turns east-northeast, past a detector at MP107.5, where the speed limit is 70 mph, Rufus (MP 108.7), Day, and the 10,795 ft. siding at Goff (MP 111.5, where the speed limit is still 70 mph, to MP 113.7, where it is 60 mph).

The line makes a sweeping curve to the southeast, following the line of the 'river' and cliffs, past Hook, a detector at MP 119.7, where the speed limit is 70 mph again, and the 9,744 ft. siding at Quinton (MP 119.9-MP 121.9), and then east past the 9,741 ft. siding at Blalock (MP 127.8-MP 129.8), a detector at MP 133.2, CP S136 (MP 136.1), and a 9,956 ft. siding at Arlington (MP 137.7-MP 139.5), where the Condon subdivision turns away southeast to head for Gilliam (and once went south to Kinzua). The main line turns northeast, within the siding, and then east-northeast, still following the line of the cliffs and the edge of the water, past Willows, the 9,735 ft. siding at Heppner Junction (MP 145.9-MP 147.9), whence a line once headed south to Heppner, a bridge over an inlet, a detector at MP 148.1, the 9,525 ft. siding at Castle (MP 155.7-MP 157.7), where there is a spur (the Carty Industrial Lead, south to a power plant) at MP 156.7, a detector at MP 160.5, and the 9,836 ft. siding at Boardman (MP 163.3-MP 165.9)as the line turns northeast and then curves east-southeast.

The line now leaves the Columbia River behind, heading east-southeast, away from the river, past the 6,462 ft. siding at Clarke (MP 169.1-MP 170.5), the 8,763 ft. siding at Munley (MP 174.8-MP 176.6), where there are tracks on the north side for the Umatilla Ordnance Depot, Ordnance (MP 177.6), named for that depot, Westland (MP 182.1), where the speed limit is 50 mph and 2MT, CTC, start, a spur trailing in from Umatilla on the river bank to the north, crossovers and a wye on the north side at CP S183 (MP 183.7), where the Ayer subdivision trails in from the north (the line from Spokane), and the yard at Hinkle (MP 185.3), on the north side of the main line.