Trunk Routes
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Train Trips, Railroad Infrastructure and Traffic Data

Descriptions of routes, infrastructure and traffic for named Trunk Routes

Trunk Routes are the major railroad arteries that carry, or carried, traffic across the continent. Some Trunk Routes have well known colloquial names, while others are best known by either the name of a flagship passenger train that runs or once ran on that route, or by the name of a (former) railroad operating all or a substantial part of that route.
The links below lead to route descriptions for the various segments making up the Trunk Route named in the link.

Western Routes

BNSF I-5 Corridor

BNSF Central Coal Route

BNSF Northern Coal Route

BNSF Northern Transcon

BNSF Southern/Texas Coal Route

CN Transcon

CP Transcon

Great Northern Transcon

Milwaukee Road Hiawatha Routes

Montana Rail Link

Northern Pacific Transcon

Oregon Short Line and OWRN

Original California Zephyr Route

Overland Route

Powder River Basin and connections

Salt Lake Route

Santa Fe Transcon, Texas Connection and Memphis Connection

Sunset Route

Tennessee Pass Route

UP (ex-SP) Coast Line

UP (ex-SP) I-5 Corridor

UP Wyoming-St. Louis Coal Route

Central and Mid-Western Routes

Alton Route

Chicago & Eastern Illinois

Cotton Belt

Denver to Chicago (CRI&P)

Denver to St. Louis (CRI&P)

Frisco: Avard to St. Louis; Avard to Memphis; Memphis to Birmingham

Golden State Route

Houston to Dallas-Fort Worth

Illinois Central (Main Line & Chicago Branch)

Grand Trunk (Western)

Kansas City to Twin Cities ("Spine Line")

Kansas City Southern (North-South Line)

KCS Meridian Speedway

Memphis to Chattanooga (NS)

Memphis to Nashville (CSX)

Michigan Central

Milwaukee Road Hiawatha Routes

MoPac Texas Eagle Route

Santa Fe Texas Chief Route

St. Louis to Cincinnati (B&O)

St. Louis to Cleveland

St. Louis to Danville (Southern)

St. Pail to Chicago (C&NW)

St. Paul to Chicago (original Soo)

Texas and Pacific Route

Wabash: Kansas City to Detroit

Wabash: St. Louis to Chicago

Eastern and Southern Routes

ACL Florida Route

Atlanta to Hamlet (CSX)

Birmingham/Atlanta to Jacksonville (CSX)

Boston & Albany

Broadway Route (and St. Louis offshoot)

Capitol Limited Route (B&O)

Chicago to Atlanta (CSX)

Chicago to Atlanta (NS)

Chicago to Cincinnati (NYC/Big Four)

Chicago to Cincinnati (C&O)

Chicago to Cincinnati, Louisville, and Columbus, OH (PRR Panhandle)

Cincinnati to Cleveland (Big Four)

Cincinnati to Toledo (B&O)

Clinchfield Route

Crescent Corridor (NS)

Crescent Route (pre-Amtrak)

George Washington Route (C&O) and Toledo to Russell

Harrisburg to the Jersey Shore

Lackawanna (DL&W)

National Limited Route (B&O)

Nickel Plate

Northeast Corridor (North)

Northeast Corridor (South)

Pan American Route (L&N)

Patriot Corridor

Pocahontas Route (N&W)

Royal Palm Route

SAL Florida Route

Southern Main Line

Southern Tier

Washington, DC, to Philadelphia (B&O)

Water-Level Route

West Point Route


An early compilation that will be replaced over time

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Unless otherwise stated, everything on this site is Copyright: Don Winter, 2005